July Board Meeting : 2018


MINUTES FROM 07/06/2018

Meeting opened at 6:01 pm

Board members present: Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Chuck Allen, Linda Lattin & Sandy Nelson

Board members absent: None

Guests present: JoJo Allen, Sherry Dallam, T Jay Carter & Peggy Goss

Agenda had 5 items added:

  • Moving T Jay Carter to beginning
  • Welcome letter
  • Sign
  • Notice of Annual Meeting
  • Financial Reports

Motion to approve made by Bryan , second by Mike   5/0 approved

Secretary Report:

Minutes were reviewed. One correction was made (typo). Minutes approved.

Treasurers Report:

Mike handed out a Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet for Jan – June 2018.

He had a welcome letter used in the past that will be going out to new owners in Holiday Acres. We have 2 new lot owners that will receive them.

Mike discussed the past due letter again.  It is still in the works and will slowly merge into the new  year with the new billing cycle.

Talked about the Resolution #11.21.05 and that it should be changed to move the due date up to June 30th instead of December 31st.  We discussed if the board can do so without a property owner vote.  Linda will talk to Cathy Justus to see what they did in the past.  The By-Laws states it can be done but just want to confirm.

Motion was made by Chuck to change Resolution 11.21.05 to June 30th due date and delinquent on July 1st with a $10.00 late fee per year per assessment.  Seconded by Sandy.

Resolution # will be 07.06.18

Talked to Cathy and she said yes it is a board vote.

Approved to pay Cathy Justus for copies made of past minutes.  Linda motioned, seconded by Mike

New Business

T Jay Carter gave the board an overview of the website holidayacres.org, that he is working on.  Pictures of the neighborhood will be added.  He walked through the steps and showed us all the interactive sites with links for people to use.  There is a contact link @ info@holidayacres.org for someone to contact us.  Chuck suggested a tab for FireWise to be added.  He will add the board member pictures with short bios also.

Bryan asked the board to write a short bio that will be added to website.

Talked about the board terms expiring and notice of intent to run.  Linda, Chuck and Sandy all expire in December 2018.

ARC committee may have some openings also and Bryan or Chuck will talk to Larry Dick about that.

Bryan will work on the letter for meeting that needs to go out by August 8th.

Short Term Rentals (STR) also known as Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) was then discussed.  There as 16 in Holiday Acres and the homes by these are having several problems with the renters, (ie: noise, speeding, trespassing).  The county is also looking at this issue county wide.  Regulations are vague and how to handle complaints seem even more vague.  We looked at some other areas that have regulations on this.  Covenants would have to be written or amended to address this issue.

We talked about the 2/3 vote and would it be required to change these covenants.

Mike will draft a survey for the annual meeting to get a feel from the property owners.

Guest Peggy Goss asked about a guardrail and who to contact about it.  JoJo Allen told her the county has a new Public Works Director – Matt Archuleta and that is who she should contact.  JoJo had talked to him about the roads already.

Old Business:

Talked about the sign light is out again.  Do we want to keep it lit or let it go?  We all agreed the light is nice in the winter but not really needed in the summer.  This will be talked about at the annual meeting in September.

ARC Committee: none

Next meeting is the annual meeting September 8th at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:55 pm

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