Holiday Acres Board Meeting Minutes-11-18-19 6 p.m.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Michael Preuit, Linda Lattin, & Chuck Allen arrived at 6:05 pm.


GUESTS:. Sherry Dallam, Jan Delaney, Larry Dick, Catherine Looper, & JoJo Allen

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Added Talk about quorum numbers, 2020 dues & wetland funding Motion to accept made by Bryan, seconded by Mike D. Vote +/O (Chuck had not arrived yet)

SECRETARY REPORT: Approval of Minutes from September 7th Annua! meeting Motion to accept the minutes made by Bryan, seconded by Mike P. Vote 4/0

TREASURES REPORT: P/L & Balance sheet was presented and discussed. $2880 in this year’s late fees were written off & $254.10 of assessment fees were also taken off.

Bills paid $342.55 was paid for postage in September and $344.15 was paid for room rental for annual meeting and postage. Motion to accept P/Land pay bills made by Bryan, seconded by Mike D Vote 5/0

Results from election – the amendment has passed with 118 votes for. Amendment was signed by Bryan (President) and Linda (Secretary) and will be filed at the courthouse on 11/19/19.

NEW BUSINESS: Nine governance policies – Mike D. handed out some guidelines for starting the required process of having 9 governing policies. This will be discussed at the January meeting. Discussed the problem that may happen with getting quorum numbers needed now that we have more people voting. We will have to see how it goes at the annual! meeting. , How to handle backdated fees – Bryan read a letter that may be sent to all property owners in January asking how they feel about how to handle those with past dues. A straw poll type to see what homeowner want done. Options to improve Subdivision – some ideas talked about were gravel, hydrant maintenance, bus stop shelter, survey of wetlands. Surveyor for greenbelt areas was requested so that the property owners know exactly where they are and how to access them without trespassing on private property. 2020 dues were discussed and the board agreed to leave at $65.00. Motion to accept made by Linda, seconded by Mike P. Vote 5/0

Wetland funding – Larry Dick talked about the grant we received in 2011/2012 and that we have to maintain them per the agreement. Jerry Archuleta at NRCS will be contacted by Bryan and Larry offered to help in anyway he could. The board moved to transfer monies from the operating fund to the Wetland Fund to raise it to $10,000. For needed work. Chuck made a motion to move monies, seconded by Mike P. Vote 5/0

OLD BUSINESS: Child Safety Signs – we had talked about purchasing signs in the past. Design A Sign will make them for $32.O0 each. County R&B can’t put up signs but will install posts to put them on. Bryan made a motion to buy 10 signs to be spread throughout the neighborhood. Mike P seconded. Vote 5/0 Signs will say “Caution Children at Play”

ARC: Tree removal was submitted and S Hogue has submitted plans for her property.

Bryan thanked everyone again for the hard work to get the amendment passed. Next meeting – January 8th, 2020 @ 6 pm ADJOURNMENT @ 7:46 pm