MARCH 11th, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: 6:05 pm
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Chuck Allen, Linda Lattin & Michael Preuit
GUESTS: Dale Erickson, Neal Smith, Guiseppe Margiotta, Sherry Dallam & JoJo Allen
Motion to approve as submitted made by Bryan, seconded by Chuck. Vote 5/0
Bryan read our policy on speaking at meetings. He opened floor for public comment. None made.
Approval of January 8th meeting – no changes
Motion by Mike D, seconded by Bryan. Vote 5/0
P/L & Balance Sheet was handed out and bills were paid. Graham Smith $731.00, Stamps $22.00, Co. Division of Real Estate $33.00 & Mike Dallam reimburse for Jan. mailing $97.50
Bylaws amendment
There were questions on Article III Section 5 on counting lots. Neal Smith asked about combined lots being counted as 1 or more. Bryan explained that even if combined legally at county the covenants say that they are still considered separately. The county doesn’t notify the HOA if combinations are done. Linda stated that the HOA should be notified because she had to do that when she combined her lots.
Annual meeting quorum issues – will depend on findings of the combined lots issue.
Move Legal fund monies to savings account – Mike D has found a bank that is paying 1.61% on savings accounts that we can move some monies to for better fiscal responsibility. The First Interstate Bank of Indiana is where he’d like to move some to. We will still be able to transfer as needed, no fees as long as we keep $4000.00 balance and FDIC insured.
Bryan made a motion to open an account with The First Interstate Bank of Indiana for $30,000., seconded by Mike P. Vote 5/0.
JoJo asked about the mud in front of the mailbox cluster. She had talked to Kermit Littleton and he was willing to get gravel and spread it with his skidster at no charge, as long as the HOA would cover the cost of the gravel. Bryan explained that it’s a county road and therefore we are not able to do any work to it. The people who own mailboxes there would have to call the county on that.
We have talked about helping get more gravel on our roads with the county but by NO means do we want to take over roads. Harvey & Yari at the county is who would need to estimate how much is needed to do that.
Straw polls are still being received. Neal Smith asked if we were going to discuss that issue and the board responded not at this meeting. We are going to wait to get more in.
“Children at Play” signs are in and placements are being looked at. Chuck Allen is assembling them now. The county gave us the posts to put them on. Mike P. asked if they were breakaway posts. Chuck was going to check. Chuck will talk to Matt at Road & Bridge about it.
State Registration and Real Estate registered agents are being changed over.
ARC: None
Guiseppe Margiotta wanted to know the results of the Straw Poll we have. He asked why non payers have no voting rights. He also asked about the Wetland Grant. The grant is done and the association pays to maintain now.
Bryan talked about trying to find a way to mark all greenbelt areas so people would know where they are.
Guiseppe stated “ We need to be neighborly and contention is not viable in today’s goings on.”
Neal Smith wanted to know if we are going to talk about the lawyers talking between themselves about non-payers. We replied that we are still waiting for Straw Polls to come in.
Bryan’s closing comment was “ we are not trying to have contention. We are a pro active board and we are not taking this lightly.
Next Meeting 5/13 @ 6pm