HAPOA November 10th, 2021 7:00 pm Board Meeting

NOTICE OF THE MEETING : Holiday Acres Property Owner’s Association will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 via Google Meet:

Holiday Acres POA Board Meeting

When Wed Nov 10, 2021 7pm – 8pm Mountain Time – Denver
Where Via Google meet (map)
Joining info Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 315-925-6367 (PIN: 410268692)


Holiday Acres Property Owner’s Association Board Meeting Agenda


  1. Call To Order


  1. Roll Call





  • New Business
    1. HAPOA Approval of Sept. Annual meeting minutes
    2. Covenant Change-4H pigs allowed/or 2/3rds of voting members
    3. Commercial activity of any kind shall be conducted
    4. Board member delegation of responsibilities (Email, PO Box)
    5. Payback status to home owners
    6. Macomber and HAPOA acreage/greenspace
    7. Online Payment option
    8. Dumpsters in the Spring
    9. Cluster Mailbox/standardized mailboxes
    10. Winter Burn of upper pond
    11. Larry Dick money payback
  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. $500 to Firewise
    2. P&L and Balance Sheet
    3. Property transfer task list (other tasks lists)
    4. Bills to be paid
  2. Secretaries Report


  1. Adjourn